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Any arts, pictures or logos used for ezBot or any other ez projects are used for Non-Profitable Purposes. If you would like your logo or art to be removed, please contact and the ez team will be able to assist you. 

The Legal Stuff...

The bot is offline, what do I do? A: You can always head on to our Discord Support Server and we always post any status updates of the bot.

How do I report something / get help?
A: You can make a report in our Discord Server or email the support email.

How do I know this bot is safe?
A: You can simply run the help command to see what the bot can do, you can also see what permissions the bot requires when inviting it into your server.

Privacy Notice:

ezBot does not store any extra inforation about it's users. ezBot only uses Quick.db to store information in order for the Economy to function. This information is kept private, and it's in a highly-protected place and can only be accessed locally. For more information about privacy, do not hesitate to email us or join our Discord for Support.

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